"- Yo soy una princesa, lo son todas las mujeres, aunque vivan en sucios y viejos desvanes, aunque se vistan con harapos, aunque no sean hermosas, listas o jóvenes. Todas somos princesas. Todas. ¿Nunca le ha dicho a usted eso su padre? ¿No se lo ha dicho?"

lunes, 27 de abril de 2009

She was ready to go, but where was he?          
And then?
She waited
And then?
There in the shadows, was it her man?
And then?
Her little heart beat so loud
And then?
And then, baby, everything went black.
Now, when she opened her eyes she was dead as dust.
Her jewels were missing,
and her heart was bust.
So she made a vow lying under that tree,
that she'd wait for her true love to come set her free
Always waiting for someone to ask for her hand.

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